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Sulit Events

Sulit hosts a vast array of experiential and informative events and workshops ranging from Reiki trainings, Meditations, Ceremonies, Teachings and much more.

Ongoing Events


Looking to find connection within yourself and the Divine? 


Deeksha is a Divine intelligent energy transfer that helps people move away from the sense of separation towards a sense of connectedness and oneness with all of creation.

Johrei is a manifestation of divine energy that can be transmitted through one individual to another for spiritual healing. As the spiritual body is cleansed, the mind and body are also uplifted, healed and attuned to spiritual truth.

Offered Weekly on Thursday's at 7pm 

Donation Based, please sign up below

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Awakening? Yep, us too.

sulitwellness@gmail.comSULIT WELLNESS COLLECTIVE   |  619-627-1254

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