See the work of Vibrational Therapy as an "energetic chiropractic adjustment practice". I work in the quantum field to make shifts, clearings and adjustments of outdated programs, traumas, and any low vibrating connections/densities that are stored in your "information" field and keeping you from your highest alignment. I also support you in bringing in and teaching you practices to align you to your higher divine knowing.
Anyone who is willing to change and wants to evolve, the brave ones! Are you tired of limiting believes, fears, guilt, control, codependence, pain, trying to figure it all out, basically tired of the "small-self" and your current reality? Are you ready to be light, peaceful, trusting the unknown and higher plan, perceiving miracles, strong, connected, creative and acting only from the heart space, basically ready to step into your "highest-self" and change your reality?
Note: Everyone is different and carries different degrees of trauma, fears, low vibrating ties that are stored in different levels of their energy field. Some are stored more on the surface level (from this lifetime only), some are systemic (generational), some are from past lives, different dimensions and octaves, and some are part of the souls contract that was set in stone before incarnation (no way to adjust at this level, just master acceptance). There is also the factor of number of occurrences and the intensity of the trauma and information that has been registered in the energy field. Some souls are born with almost no densities or limiting beliefs to clear and some souls have come to clear massive deep rooted traumas and limiting beliefs from many lifetimes.
Many different types of high vibrational quantum tools and techniques will be used to make these adjustments, it is all dependent on what we are working on. Read below more about some of the tools and techniques used such as Soul Memory Discovery, Calling on the Green Tara, Purifying via Quan Yin blessings called Johrei and my most complex platform called "Frequency Activated Psionic Platforms" with hundreds of activated tools.
For most, this is an ongoing therapy where we work together to tackle each layer at a time to them reach and clear the deepest stored source of the issue. There is an initial diagnosis or analysis that I am looking for any energetic discord (lower vibration) within your 4 subtle bodies (emotional, mental, physical and etheric), your environment, relationships, outside negative influences and more. After the diagnosis, I perform a deep energetic cleanse, then together we create a game plan to work on each specific issue at a time.
The specific plan of action and treatment is person specific for reasons explained above. But the general course of action is as follows:
Initial Treatment - Cost $150
Phone consultation to gather understanding of your current situation and family history
Analysis of current energetic health (remote work, you just provide me your name, location and DOB)
Deep cleanse of your energy body using Frequency Activated Psionic Platforms (also remote work)
Report and a call to review work performed with suggested exercises or actions to implement
Continued Treatments if needed - $120 each
Phone Consultation to define what is the most relevant area of focus to work on. Here we work together to create the best plan of action after the initial energy cleanse has settled and been integrated. We focus on tackling one level of potential healing at a time, starting at the most surface level to then reaching the deepest rooted systemic levels.
Report is provided of work performed with suggested exercises or actions to implement
IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING: All healing is "Self-healing". I can only facilitate frequency adjustments, clear densities and call on divine consicounesses that supports your connection to your higher knowing which give you clarity and strength making healing so much easier. You are the one responsible to implement change, to make adjustments in your life, to feel what needs to be felt and to be willing to disidentify with who you "thought" you were and allow the new divine self to emerge.
I offer a FREE 15 min call if you need any clarification of the work described or want to share your situation to see if this work will support you.
To book an appointment or schedule a free 15-min call please
text 858-900-8256 or email me at sulitwellness@gmail.com
It's always an honor to serve, Karina A Zulino